Monday, December 10, 2012

Vascullitic disorders

Clinical/Laboratory Findings
Takayasu's arteritis ("pulseless disease")
Granulomatous large vessel vasculitis involving aortic arch vessels
Young Asian women and children
Absent upper extremity pulse
Visual defects, stroke
Giant cell (temporal) arteritis
Granulomatous large vessel vasculitis involving superficial temporal and ophthalmic arteries; thrombi contain microabscesses
Adults > 50 years of age
Temporal headache, jaw claudication (pain when chewing)
Blindness on ipsilateral side
Polymyalgia rheumatica (muscle and joint pain; normal serum creatine kinase)
Increased ESR
Polyarteritis nodosa
Necrotizing medium-sized vessel vasculitis involving renal, coronary, mesenteric arteries (spares pulmonary arteries)
Middle-aged men
Association with HBsAg (30%)
Vessels at all stages of acute and chronic inflammation
Focal vasculitis produces aneurysms (detected with angiography)
Organ infarction in kidneys (renal failure), heart (acute MI), bowels (bloody diarrhea), skin (ischemic ulcer)
Kawasaki disease
Necrotizing medium-sized vessel vasculitis involving coronary arteries (e.g., thrombosis, aneurysms)
Children < 4 years of age
Desquamating rash, swelling of hands and feet, cervical adenopathy, oral erythema
Abnormal ECG (e.g., acute MI)
Corticosteroids contraindicated (danger of vessel rupture)
Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease)
Medium-sized vessel vasculitis with digital vessel thrombosis
Men 25-50 years of age who smoke cigarettes
Foot claudication, Raynaud's phenomenon, ulceration, gangrene
Raynaud's disease
Medium-sized vessel vasculitis involving digital vessels in fingers and toes
Young women
Exaggerated vasomotor response to cold or stress
Paroxysmal digital color changes (white-blue-red sequence)
Ulceration and gangrene in chronic cases
Raynaud's phenomenon
Medium-sized vessel vasculitis involving digital vessels in fingers and toes
Adult men and women
Secondary to other diseases (e.g., systemic sclerosis, CREST syndrome)
Systemic sclerosis and CREST syndrome: digital vasculitis with vessel fibrosis, dystrophic calcification, ulceration, gangrene
Wegener's granulomatosis
Necrotizing medium-sized and small vessel vasculitis involving upper respiratory tract, lung, renal vessels
Childhood to middle age
Necrotizing vasculitis in upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, sinuses, trachea), lower respiratory tract (pulmonary vessels; infarction, pneumonia), kidneys (crescentic glomerulonephritis)
Necrotizing granulomas in upper respiratory tract (saddle nose deformity), lungs c-ANCA antibodies (>90% of cases)
Treatment: corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide
Microscopic polyangiitis
Small vessel vasculitis involving skin, lung, brain, GI tract, and postcapillary venules and glomerular capillaries
Children and adults
Precipitated by drugs (e.g., penicillin), infections (e.g., streptococci), immune disorders (e.g., SLE)
Vessels at same stage of inflammation
Palpable purpura, glomerulonephritis p-ANCA antibodies (>80% of cases)
Churg-Strauss syndrome
Small vessel vasculitis involving skin, lung, heart vessels
Children and adults
Allergic rhinitis, asthma
p-ANCA antibodies (70% of cases), eosinophilia
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Small vessel vasculitis involving skin, GI tract, renal, joint vessels
Children and young adults
Most common vasculitis in children
IgA immunocomplexes
Palpable purpura of buttocks and lower extremities
Polyarthritis, glomerulonephritis, GI bleeding
Small vessel vasculitis involving skin, GI tract, renal vessels
Association with HCV, type I MPGN
Cryoglobulins: immunoglobulins that gel at cold temperatures
Palpable purpura, acral cyanosis of nose and ears and Raynaud's phenomenon (reverses when in warm room)
Serum sickness
Small vessel vasculitis involving immunocomplex deposition in skin vessels
Children and adults
Complication of treatment of rattlesnake envenomation with horse-or sheep-based antivenin
Fever, urticaria with vasculitis, arthralgia, GI pain with melena
Infectious vasculitis
Small vessel vasculitis involving skin vessels
Children and adults
Involves all microbial pathogens
Rocky Mountain spotted fever: tick transmission of Rickettsia rickettsiae; organisms invade endothelial cells; petechiae on palms spread to trunk
Disseminated meningococcemia due to Neisseria meningitidis
Capillary thrombosis produces hemorrhage into skin and confluent ecchymoses

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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